In cooperation with their partner company TSE Poland, TSE Qatar was founded in 2019 as an independent venture under the creative lead of Peter Heybutzki, who is deeply rooted within the show production & lighting industry for over 30 years. Heybutzki started to work on his vision of a vast and innovative EDM festival concept way back in 2018 & now relies on Depence² to let his ideas become reality.
As former user of Realizzer 3D, successful software-predecessor to Depence², Heybutzki was already used to the creation of 3D worlds, but now profits from Depence²’s new software rendering engine, which allows a drastically more realistic approach to the display of multimedia show elements such as lighting, laser, fire and even water. TSE also was in need of such variety as the EDM music genre itself offers intense live experiences with breathtaking shows all around the globe. To capture the energy & feeling of this music, all visuals were needed to fit on point. For this reason, all kinds of bright & colorful strobes as well as beams were used, also in combination with the excessive use of video wall content. While designing, the structure of Asian architecture was a main focus point for inspiration and can be found in many aspects of the final production design. With Asian temples & buildings as ideational concept, the center of the stage means to symbolize a crown, a ceremonial Thai headdress. C1 motors & fixtures are capable of moving this center piece of the stage in various ways, while the beams in between produce a kind of sun-like look, also displaying Asian imagery. On the center stage, beams, Atomics and 5x5 WW LED panels are circularly positioned around the DJ. To reduce potential build-up time the installation of décor was reduced to a minimum, furthermore two large screens are being one of the highlights of the project. Here two 12x20m screens are in use via rear projection. An octagon like structure is placed above the FOH, which is mounted with various lighting fixtures, while it is carrying different panels as well as Atomics. The suspension elements are hanging freely within the room and are separated in five main lines, which are equipped with beams, spots, washs as well as blinders. These elements are capable of being moved via C1 motors, too.
“The combination of different lights and video walls are a guarantee for sheer endless combinations and when I say endless, I mean it. […] Thanks to Syncronorm for this mighty software tool… […]” – Peter Heybutzki, TSE (2020)
The shapes & rigging plans of the project were created in VectorWorks prior to the initial arrangement of design elements. Via Depence²’s .MVR interface, importing the project file was quick and smooth. The project has a total of over 1000 fixtures & was connected to a secondary machine running Resolume (via NDI).
For more information on TSE visit: